SOOMAALI:Warmurtiyeed Istraatejiyada Warbaahinta
ENGLISH:Communique SMDS 12 January 2016

Muqdisho11 – 12 Janaayo 2016

Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Abdi Hayir (Mareye), Wasiirada Warfaafinta ee dawlad goboleedyada xubnaha ka ah Dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya oo ay la jiraan ururadda ay ku mideysan yihiin weriyayaasha iyo warbaahinta gaarka loo leeyahay ee Soomaaliya iyo Hay’adaha Caalamiga ah ee Warbaahinta taageera ayaa ku kulmay Jazeera Palace Hotel ee Muqdisho 11kii iyo 12kii Janaayo 2016. Shirka waxaa shir gudoominayey Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska Dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.

Shirka waxaa ka soo qaybgalay Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska ee Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdi Xayir (Mareye), Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Mudane Cabdullaahi Colaad Rooble, Wasiirka Warfaafinta Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Mudane Maxamuud Xasan Soocadde, Wasiirka Warfaafinta Konfur Galbeed Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cabdi Maxamed, Wasiirka Warfaafinta GalMudug Maxamuud Aden Cismaan, Kulanka waxaa sidoo kale ka soo qayb galay Wakiilo ka socda Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland, Gobolada Banadir, Hiiraan iyo Sh/dhexe, Xoghayaha Guud ee NUSOJ Mohamed Ibrahim Pakistan, Wakiilo ka socda ururadda Network 13, SIMHA, MAP, iyo Madaxda warbaahinta gaarka loo leeyahay ee Soomaaliya iyo wakiilo ka socda dawladdo ay ka mid yihiin Safiirka Sweden Mikeal Lindvall iyo Hay’ado ay ka mid yihiin IMS/FOJO, SMSG, UNSOM, InterNews iyo kuwo kale.

Kulanka waxaa soo abaabulay Wasaarada Warfaafinta Dowladda Federaalka iyadoo la kaashatay Wasaaradaha Dowlad Goboleedyada, waxaana shirka taageeray Hay’ada IMS/Fojo iyo UNESCO oo si xoog leh ula shaqeeyey Wasaarada Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.

Kulanka labada cisho ayaa lagu lafoguray Istraatejiyada Horumarinta Warbaahinta Soomaaliya ee 5ta sano ee soo socota iyo sidii looga shaqeyn lahaa Horumarinta Warbaahinta Soomaaliya.

Dood dheer ka dib, ka qeybgalayaashu waxey isla garteen qoddobadan soo socda:

1. Ka qeybgalayaasha shirku waxey u mahadceliyeen Wasaarada Warfaafinta Dowladda Federaalka iyo Wasaaradaha Warfaafinta Dowlad Goboleedyada, waxeyna soo dhoweeyeen una mahadceliyeen doorka Hay’adaha IMS/Fojo, UNESCO, SMSG iyo xafiiska Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee QM oo taageeray shirkan muhiimka ah. Sidoo kale waxey uga mahadceliyeen IMS/Fojo doorkooda ku aadan diyaarinta barnaamijka, qorshaha istraatejiyada horumarinta warbaahinta iyo soo ururinta macluumaadka muhiimka ah ka dib booqashooyinkii ay ku kala bixiyeen gobollada dalka.
2. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxey dib u eegis ku sameeyeen isla markaasna ay isku waafaqeen in la dhaqangeliyo Istraatejiyada Horumarinta Warbaahinta Soomaaliya ee 5ta sano ee soo socota (2016 – 2020).
3. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxey ku ballameen inay si wadajir ah u wada dhaqangeliyaan Istraatejiyada, iyagoo kaashanaya shacabka, suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed, ururada matala warbaahinta iyo beesha caalamka. Waxaana marwalbo door hoggaamineed iyo isku xir qaadanaya Wasaarada Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka & Dalxiiska ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo la tashaneysa Dowlad Goboleedyada, iyo qeybaha kale ee warbaahinta madaxa bannaan.
4. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxey ku heshiiyeen inay yeeshaan wadashaqeyn buuxda oo dhan walba ah sida diiwaangelinta hay’adaha warbaahinta ka howlgala dalka, sharci siinta hay’adahaas, iyo inay xiriir wanaagsan ka yeeshaan arrimaha deegaan walba ku soo kordha. Waxaana hoggaanka iyo isku xirka marwalba leh Wasaarada Warfaafinta ee Dowladda Federaalka.
5. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxey soo dhoweeyeen Xeerka Saxaafadda ee Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya, iskuna raaceen in uu noqdo kan rasmiga ah oo Dowlad Goboleedyadana ay si buuxda u waafajiyaan xeerarkooda saxaafada.
6. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxey isla garteen in dhaqangelinta Xeerka Saxaafadda ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya laga wada shaqeeyo, bacdamaa xeerku uu maareeynayo cabashooyinka iyo habdhaqanka shaqsiyaadka ama hay’adaha warbaahinta ee ku xadgudba xeerka saxaafada, anshaxa iyo asluubta warbaahinta. Waxaana la isla qaatay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay in dhammaan dalka laga sameeyo wacyigelin lagu sharaxayo muhiimada dhaqangelinta xeerka saxaafadda. Fulinta barnaamijkan waxaa laga codsay hay’adaha warbaahinta taageera iyo beesha caalamka in ay gacan ka geystaan dhaqangelinta Xeerka Saxaafadda.
7. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxay isla qiimeeyeen duruufaha ay ku shaqeeyaan weriyayaasha iyo guud ahaan warbaahinta Somaaliyeed, waxayna ammaaneen horumarka laxaadka leh ee ay sameynayso warbaahinta Soomaaliyeed. Waxayna xaqiijiyeen in dawladda Soomaaliya ay ka go’an tahay ilaalinta xoriyadda Saxaafadda iyo xoriyatul qowlka sida uu qabo qodobka 18-aad ee dastuurka KMG ah.
8. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxay cambaareeyeen ficilada dilka, dhaawaca iyo hanjabaadaha ah ee kooxaha argagixisada ah ku hayaan weriyayaasha iyo warbaahinta Soomaaliyeed, iyo xariga sharci darada ah, waxayna ciidamada amniga ugu baaqeen in ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan dembiilayaasha oo sharciga la hor keeno.
9. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxay amaan iyo mahadcelin u jeediyeen dawladaha iyo hay’adaha taageera warbaahinta Soomaaliyeed waxayna ugu baaqeen in ay sii xoojiyaan taageeradooda xiligan warbaahinta Soomaaliyeed gelayso marxaladda cusub.
10. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxay ugu baaqeen hay’adaha iyo ururada taageera warbaahinta Soomaaliya ama ka shaqeeya arimaha warbaahinta in ay iska diiwaangeliyaan Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ee Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada ay ka hawlgalaan una gudbiyaan profile-kooda iyo qorshe hawleedkooda oo dhameystiran iyo miisaaniyada ay ku howlgalayaan.
11. Ka qeybgalayaashu waxey soo jeediyeen in Dowladda Federaalka lagala tashto dhammaan mashaariicda warbaahinta ee hay’adaha caalamku ay ka fulinayaan dalka, oo aysan hay’ad ka howlgeli karin dalka iyagoon oggolaansho ka helin Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowladda Goboleedyada ay ka howlgalaan.
12. Ka qeybgalayaasha waxey xuseen in Dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada ku midoobaan horumarinta warbaahinta dalka iyo wacyigelinta bulshada, sida Dastuurka, nidaamka federaalka, doorashooyinka, amniga, dib-uheshiinta, iyo Dowlad-wanaaga. Waxaana la isla gartay in si mideysan oo xilkasnimo leh looga wada howlgalo iyadoo Wasaarada Warfaatina ay door hoggaamineed ku yeelaneyso.
13. Ugu danbeyntii ka qeybgalayaashu waxey ka codsadeen hay’adaha caalamka iyo dowladaha taageera Horumarinta Warbaahinta Soomaaliya in Shir Deeqbixiyeyaasha ah lagu qabto Nairobi sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan si loo codsado dhaqaalaha lagu fulinayo Istraatejiyada iyo Xeerka Saxaafada. Waxaana loo xilsaaray Wasaarada Warfaafinta Dowladda Federaalka iyo IMS/Fojo isku xirka, xiriirinta iyo hirgelinta go’aanada shirka iyo shirka deeqbixiyeyaasha ee Nairobi.



National Conference for Somali Media Development Strategy

Mogadishu,11 – 12 January 2016

Ministers of Information of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States of Somalia together with unions and associations of private media and International organizations that support Somali media met at Jazeera Palace Hotel, Mogadishu on 11 and 12 January 2016. The Minister of Information of the Federal Republic of Somalia chaired meetings.

The conference attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia H.E. Mohamed Omar Arte, the Minister of Information, Culture & Tourism of the Federal Government H.E. Mohamed Abdi Hayir (Mareye), Deputy Minister H.E. Abdullahi Olad Roble, Minister of Information & Telecommunications of Puntland Mohamed Hassan Soocadde, Minister of Information of South-West State Hassan Abdi Mohamed, Minister of Information & Culture Mohamud Aden Osman. Participants also included representatives from Jubballand, Banadir, Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle regions, the Secretary General of NUSOJ Mohamed Ibrahim Pakistan, representatives from Network 13, SIMHA, Somali Women’s Journalists Association, MAP, directors of media outlets, Swedesh Ambassador to Somalia H.E. Mikeal Lindvell, representatives from International organizations such as IMS/FOJO, SMSG, UNSOM, InterNews and others.

The Ministry of Information of the Federal Government organized the conference with collaboration of Ministers from Federal member states and supported by IMS/Fojo and UNESCO with the support of the Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

The two days conference participants discussed the draft of Somali Media Development Strategy for the next 5 years including the implementation of the Media law and in general the development of Somali media.

After discussions on key issues participants agreed the following points:

  1. Participants of the conference thanked the Ministry of Information of the Federal Government’s new initiatives to the development of Somali media and welcomed the role of IMS/FOJO, UNESCO, SMSG and UNSOM for their continual support to the coference. In particular, participants thanked IMS/FOJO for their role on preparing the draft of the strategy and their visit to regions to collect vital information to the draft of the strategy.

  1. Participants reviewed and agreed the implementation of the Somali Media Development Strategy for the next 5 years (2016 – 2020).

  1. Participants promised to work together in the implementation of the strategy with the support of public, journalists, unions and associations of journalists, and international partners. The Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism will take the leading role with the support of Federal Member States of Somalia and all stakeholders in the media sector.

  1. Participants agreed to work together as partners on key issues including the registration of media outlets in Somalia, issuing licence to all organizaitons and to work together on all new issues emerge in every region. The Ministry of Information of the Federal Government will take the leading role.
  2. Participants welcome the new Media Law of the Federal Republic of Somalia and agreed that this is the official media law for the country and that all Federal Member States will review their media laws with a view to ensure that it is in line with the Federal Media Law.

  1. Participants to work together in the implementation of the Media Law of the Federal Republic of Somalia, since the Media law will deal with all media complaints, and all discipline matters on individuals and organizaitons that break the law. It was also agreed to conduct a wide public awareness campaing on the implementation of the Media Law.Participants call on International partners to support the implementation of the Media Law.

  1. Participants underscored the plight of journalists and in Somalia and their circumstances, and appreciated the huge development in Somali media. Participants underscored the commitment of the Federal Republic of Somalia in terms of the free expression as per chapter 18 of the provisional constitution.

  1. Participants condemned the killing, the injuring and all threats against journalists by the terrorists group, and called for security apparatus to bring all perpetrators to courts.

  1. Participants thanked international partners and all organizations that support Somali Media and call for their continual assistance to the development of Somalia media in particular at this critical time in the country.

  1. Participants call international organizaitons that support Somali Media to full register with the Minister of Information of the Federal Republic of Somalia and Ministers from Federal Units of Somalia and to submit the profile of their organization, action plans and their budget towards Somalia.

  1. Particpants agreed that all media projects that organizations would like to implement in Somalia to consult with the Ministry of Information of the Federal and Ministries from Federal member States in the areas that they are working on. No organization can implement projects in Somalia without the permission from the Ministry of Information of the Federal Government and Ministries from Federal units of Somalia.

  1. Participants agreed the importance of unity between the Federal Government and Federal member States of Somalia on the development of Somali media strategy and public awareness campaigns. As agreed on the previous conference held on 24 and 25thof November 2015 as participants called for the government to establish National Awareness Campaign Centre to produce quality and organized programmes for public awareness campaigns for national interest issues, such as the provisional constitution, Federalism, elections, security, reconciliation and good governance. Therefore, participants agreed to work together on the implementation of public awareness campaigns while the Ministry of Information of the Federal Government will lead the efforts.

  1. Finally, participants requested International partners that support Somali Media to convene a donor conference in Nairobi as soon as practically possible with regards to the implementation of the strategy and the media law in order to mobilise the resources necessary to the full implementation of the strategy and the media law. Ministry of Information of the Federal Government and IMS/Fojo to take a leading role on coordination and the implementation of the outcome of this conference as well as organizing the donor conference in Nairobi.
  2. Waxaa soo diyaariye warkaani Wariye C.qaadir hassan jokar